ScootKit - Status Page

All systems operational



SCNX Frontend - Operational

100% - uptime

SCNX Backend - Operational

100% - uptime

SCNX Bot-Manager - Operational

100% - uptime

SCNX Image Generation API - Operational

SCNX Documentation - Operational

SCNX RSS Hub - Operational



ScootKit Website - Operational

100% - uptime

ScootKit Discord Support System ("DingBot") - Operational

ScootKit Support System - Operational

ScootKit Analytics - Operational

ScootKit Mail - Operational URL Shortener - Operational

ScootKit Issue Reporting - Operational

ScootKit Translations - Operational

Third Parties


Discord API - Operational

Stripe API - Operational

OpenAI API - Operational

Cloudflare Pages - Operational

Cloudflare CDN - Operational

Recent notices





Issues with multiple servers
  • Resolved

    We've restored full functionality of all services.

  • Monitoring

    Bot-Host #11 has been restored, and we're monitoring the situation and rolling back the emergency patch to restore full functionality.

  • Identified

    All other Bot-Hosts except Bot-Host #11 are reachable again. We're still working on this situation and are waiting for our hosting provider to address the issues affecting Bot-Host #11.

  • Identified

    Our hosting provider has restored access to "some servers", including Bot-Host #1 and some core components.

    Due to the emergency patch being applied, Early Access continues to be unavailable for now.

    Additionally, some internal services, such as our mailserver, can be reached again.

  • Identified

    Bots that aren't on any affected server can now be started again thanks to an emergency patch. Please note that Early Access features are temporarily not available due to the mentioned core component failure.

  • Identified

    We're restoring access to SCNX and have updated internal systems to ensure that the failed core component won't impact data integrity. Certain features, such as configurability can't be used due to the failed core component.

    Meanwhile, our hosting provider didn't share any new details regarding their "cooling issues".

  • Identified

    We've received reports that due to core infrastructure being affected on at least on of the servers, using SCNX might lead to messages being overwritten by corrupt values, leading to issues in the future. In the interest of data integrity, we've blocked SCNX access for now, while we wait for our hosting provider to resolve this issue.

    We've identified some of these components as possible single points of failure in the past and took measures to prevent such failure, but our investigation shows that one core component used to delivery experiments can cause SCNX to assume a state that is incompatible with data written by a newer state released using the experiment service.

  • Identified

    We've discovered that due to a core system being located on at least one of the affected servers, restarting your bot will lead to your bot being offline. Stopped bots can't be started and restarts will lead to temporarily making your bot offline.

    Avoid restart your bots. Bots can't be started until this incident has been resolved, spamming the restart button doesn't change this unfortunately.

  • Identified

    Our hosting provider has confirmed that this issue is caused by an "unexpected cooling issue" and they are actively working on resolving this as soon as possible. This incident is outside of our control.

    Please note that only services marked red on are affected, other Bot-Hosts are not affected. Do not switch Bot-Hosts while this incident is ongoing to avoid corruption of your bot files.

  • Investigating

    Our hosting provided has issues with servers hosted in their Nürnberg location. We're working with them to resolve these issues, but this situation is outside of our control.

    This incident affects customer experiences and bots hosted on the Bot-Hosts listed below. No premium Bot-Hosts are affected.

    Due to this issue, the initial loading time of SCNX is increased by a few seconds, please be patient.

    E-Mails and online Forms sent to ScootKit might not be delivered correctly, please resend them if you are instructed to do so by your email provider.



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